Ryan Wubben
Credentials: MD
Position title: Field Physician
Dr. Ryan Wubben serves as the team physician for the MIA program. Dr. Wubben is a Clinical Associate Professor with the UW School of Medicine and Public Health; and is an Emergency Physician in the BerbeeWalsh Department of Emergency Medicine. As a board-certified emergency physician, he works full time with the UW Med Flight program and has also been the medical director of Med Flight since 2008. Dr. Wubben received a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana with an emphasis on archaeology, before moving on to medical school here at UW-Madison. As an undergraduate, he did a field school with the SMU-in-Taos program at Pot Creek Pueblo outside of Taos, New Mexico where he learned the essentials of archaeological excavation. He then went on to spend two summers at Grand Canyon National Park working in Resources Management doing archaeological survey work in preparation for prescribed burns.
Dr. Wubben traveled with the team in both the summers of 2016 and 2017 to Northern France to assist with the successful recovery of the remains of 1LT Frank Fazekas, in summer 2018 to France again, this time to assist with the successful recovery of remains of 2LT Walter B. Stone, and in the summer of 2019, he traveled to Western Europe to assist with the team’s most recent MIA service member remains recovery attempt mission, the efforts of which are ongoing.